Things are not going so great in Portland, where months of rowdy and sometimes destructive protests have been met with a federal response that has understandably scared and infuriated residents. But what's really going on there? Have we reached a point where it's basically impossible to find credible, contextualized accounts of complicated situations like this one? Will the Wall of Moms be undone by jackbooted government thugs and/or its own alleged racism? As one of America's whitest cities speeds down the road to Crazyville, there's a lot to unpack.
Show notes/Links:
The New York Times: The Showdown in Portland (from The Daily) -
The New York Times: Times Videos Show How Federal Officers Escalated Violence in Portland (video) -
Reason: What It's Like To Work in the Portland Jail During the George Floyd Protests -
Michael Tracey: Two months since the riots, and still no “National Conversation” -
The New York Times: Federal Officers Deployed in Portland Didn’t Have Proper Training, D.H.S. Memo Said -
ACLU: The Constitution in the 100-Mile Border Zone -
On the Media: What We Know About the Border -
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