You Guys Sold Out Our Arlington Show, So We're Doing Another One Right After
Buy the tickets now before we tell everyone else
We’re so psyched for this — it’s unbelievable the first one sold out. Doors are 9:30 PM for the second one, with a 10:00 PM start time, same price ($20), same date (October 29th). There will be some overlap in the general structure, discussion etc., so if you’re coming to the first one don’t expect an entirely fresh show. This is much more for folks who were shut out of the first show, though obviously everyone is welcome. Also, I anticipate some folks with early-show tickets will want to trade for the later one, or vice versa, so at some point I’ll try to figure out a way to facilitate that.
Buy now! We’re not waiting long before we share the link with everyone on Twitter.
A few folks wanted to know if it was worth traveling to this one from slightly afar. We can’t announce anything officially yet, but I’d say if you are within shouting distance of Boston or New York City, you should hold off on this one if it’ll be a stretch, travel-wise.
Darn. I'll have to miss all of these shows. If there were a live-stream option, y'all could accommodate a lot more fans—and make more money!
Since Katie lives in western washington, can we get a show not on the shitty, crowded side of the country? Do a show in western washington. I think you guys have a bigger conservative audience here than libs.