Let me whine once more about how I wish our hosts with the mosts would read their paid subscribers' comments before Reddit or whatever the hell other feedback venues they look at. Not because I want sweet sweet delicious attention, but because frequently we discuss things that get missed or glossed over or insufficiently perverted with nuance. Also because I think of Reddit as actual hell.
I just can’t help but see this as a monkey’s paw wish. I’m sure they browse because they’re human but once they start responding to us directly then it starts this chain of suspicion thing where we are performing for their attention and we know they are reading, so we shift to meet their expectation, etc. I might just be a stick in the mud about this, though.
I wouldn't expect them to respond to anyone directly on here but at least to acknowledge occasionally that there was a comment or consensus on here worth addressing in a subsequent episode. Right now it seems like they pay a lot more attention to emails they get or to comments on the subreddit, and I can't believe it's because we are substandard commenters.
Yeah, I don't want them posting in the comments (they have a show to do!) or replying to us, it just seems like whenever they bring up a point from comments it's always from Reddit (shudder) or Discord (shudder extra hard), which makes me think they look way more at those communities than this one
Reddit is increasingly the only place you can find the answer you were looking for rather than AI generated paid advertising under fifty layers of adds for wrinkle cream and fat pills....
We pay them to produce content, which they do. That’s the exchange in this relationship. They never promised to respond to us more- why should they? I get what I asked for with my donations and when I no longer do, I’ll stop paying...
The outbreak of URIs in China is probably caused by the bacterium mycoplasma. I want to watch when they find that out because way too many Covidians were hoping for a new dangerous coronavirus or a nasty strain of flu.
I hope that nobody you love or you yourself never develop long covid. The Monday before Thanksgiving, my sister, who developed long covid after her 2020 infection, was sat watching a film with two friends at home, relaxed & happy, suddenly developed a resting heart rate of 168 BPM. She turned bright red, and her eyes turned blood red and began swelling up. She was in the hospital for a week getting IV steroids, pain meds, blood thinners, anti inflammatories, beta blockers (not IV but liquid suspension) and other meds. She needs a walker in her 30's. The doctors specifically talked about persistent tachycardia in long covid as well as vascular microclots in the eyes.
I hope to God anyone who laughs at "covidians" never has anyone go through the torture and grief and pain that my family has since spring 2020.
I mask with an n95 everywhere I go. I don't ask others to and I simply wish to not be harassed on the street for attempting to protect myself from a bioweapon so I can work & care for my family.
I’m sympathetic to long covid sufferers and to people who were genuinely injured by the vaccine. Both have or are suffering and have had their plights diluted by charlatans.
I wish your sister well in managing this mysterious condition.
There's a decent chance we'll see a wave of mycoplasma pneumonia this year. I'm very curious to see if the parts of the internet that are still insisting that 10% of Covid cases lead to Long Covid will start going on about Long Mycoplasma or Chronic Mycoplasma.
I hope you and those you love never have to experience long covid. I hope nobody you love ever has a covid induced stroke or clot or dissection or aneurysm or weeks to months after infection. I hope nobody you love calls you in terror 4 months post infection because they have suddenly forgotten where they live. Long covid is real I saw it happen to my sister with my very own eyes.
And if the above happens to you or someone you love, I hope nobody tries to tell you it isn't real.
I know several people who have or have had the delayed recovery type of long covid. I also worked in healthcare during the start of the pandemic so I know full well that the more severe types of long covid are real. I've also seen how people who are vaccinated are so much less likely to develop any type of Long Covid.
That's why I'm so frustrated with social media influencers who exaggerate the chance of developing Long Covid or link it to fake diseases like adrenal fatigue. They make Long Covid look like a mass hysteria that mostly affects affluent women. I also know a couple of fully vaccinated people who have developed anxiety disorders around avoiding SARS-cov2 infections and are now arranging their lives around avoiding the virus. Those online influencers are reinforcing the things that their anxiety disorders tell them.
By "developing their lives by arranging their lives around avoiding the virus" do you mean masking and avoiding crowds? Can you be specific as to what criteria for anxiety disorders as outlined in the DSM they meet per their covid precautions?
I watched the closest person in the world to me suffer a cardiac arrest and arterial dissection in her brainstem from covid infection. I watched her develop long covid. I watched the utter and complete callousness of people I thought loved and cared about us dismiss and deny what happened to her. I cannot afford having what happened to my sister happen to me. Therefore, I mask on buses, trains, and in stores. I avoid indoor restaurants (I'm on EBT so it's not like I can do that anyway). I rinse 2x a daily with cetylpyridine mouthwash which is proven to lower viral loads, and I take supplements that degrade the spike protein (NaC, quercetin, vit C, vit D.) .
I was 3x jabbed with Pfizer when I got covid and I was sick for months. I actually was in the hospital for a bit during a bad bout of tachycardia and a forlorn looking nurse TOLD me she was seeing the boosters kill people and that just as many vaxed as unvaxed were dying. I'll never forget that, I cried so hard in terror and fear that the doctor had to shoot me up with Ativan and they sent that nurse out. I hope she wasn't fired.
I saw what happened to my sister with my very own eyes. It was horrible. Do the friends you know who you accuse of having "anxiety" have lovers ones that went through similar things? Have you asked?
I think LC is a serious phenomenon for some people who caught the OG (and probably second) variant. I’m somewhat more skeptical of the penetration and severity for those who caught milder variants post-vaccination.
Oh damn, I had mycoplasma pneumonia back in August. It was two or three weeks, if I remember right, of walking pneumonia. It mostly consisted of a persistent cough the whole time, no other sever/lingering symptoms, but I'd still rather not catch it again. Hopefully I'm immune for a while!
As an evangelical Christian, I was going to try to clarify the whole Israel/end times thing. Then the episode got to the diaper mod fiasco. I don't even remember what my Israel points were. I actually don't remember anything prior to this episode. I don't even know my name. My mind is blown, confused, and intrigued. I want to know so much more, while also not wanting to know anything more.
Not to rehash the topic, but that poll leads to misleading conclusions: Yes, a lot of Evangelicals think some version of “God wants Jewish people to have Israel” to less or greater degrees, but if you think that’s the main reason they’re not pro-Palestinian, I have a Holy Land to sell you. In absolutely no world were normie conservative Christians going to lean towards the side with Hamas and the PLO on it lmao
Agree. And the annoying WashPost--which is totally circling the drain-- would never bother to ask mainstream Christians (Lutherans, Presbyterians Catholics) why *they* support Israel because there's a risk they wont sound crazy.
Ya, as an evangelical Christian, I think I can clarify. I believe that there is prophesy that suggests qthat the temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount before Christ comes back. Is it something I really think about? Nope.
The Bible says that we, individually and corporately, should be the friend of His chosen people. Israel is also by far the closest thing to a successful democracy in the Middle East. Plus, Jews have been oppressed throughout millennia, so I'm naturally sympathetic to their situation; they're often asked to act in ways which no other country is.
In other words, while I think that there's legitimacy to the prophesies in Revelation, I don't really care. I'm not trying to hasten the day Christ comes back; why would I? I think that prophesies, while likely a part of how most Christians view Israel, aren't the predominate factor in how they view Israel and its challenges.
What do you think about the idea that George W. Bush, or members of his government, were influenced by this in their foreign policy?
That's the point at which I get worried - I grew up among conservative Christians in a region where fundamentalism was the norm, and prophecies about Israel didn't come up all that often. But I care less about individual people's belief in the prophecies of Revelations and more in the President's belief.
(Also, have you ever seen the modern anti-Israel Christian conservatives? *Extremely* sketchy crowd that does not need any encouragement, to put it mildly.)
I live in a hotbed of Christian Zionism (John Hagee’s hometown) that has been active since the early 2000s, saying we are living in the end-times. They are obsessed with Israel, largely as the fulfillment of biblical prophecy but it then has grown into a kind of infatuation. It is a huge congregation and they have many followers. I consider it a millenarian cult and not connected to mainstream Christianity but embedded within it, though it is a significant force even if localized in certain areas and it is largely in evangelical circles. I’ve taught students who believe this, had my plumber try to talk to me about the endtimes, my aunt brings it up... and I just don’t engage. They think about it all the time, which makes sense if a person actually believes the rapture is about to happen. And, they would probably support Israel anyway, but it is definitely born out of a religious belief in biblical prophecy. In contrast, I know non-religious conservatives, especially libertarians, who are antisemitic and hate Zionism. It is interesting. They have more overlap with my far left friends toward Israel but not on literally anything else. Odd bedfellows.
Yeah, I was thinking this as well. Evangelicals tend towards conservatism in the US, so support for Israel is the default position of their political group. The question about biblical prophecy also seemed to be pretty vague and was also not at the top of the list of reasons in that poll. While I would expect evangelical Christians are more likely than other groups to believe in the prophecy in revelations, I'm far more suspicious of this idea being disproportionally pushed to discredit support for Israel.
That wasn’t what Jesse was talking about though. One doesn’t need to be pro or anti Palestine to believe silly religious things about Israel. That’s just a different question entirely.
Furthermore, you can support Israel’s right to exist while mourning the deaths of Palestinian civilians without also supporting Hamas. I’d say that’s the overwhelming view in the west and it’s certainly where I land.
It's kind of adorable to think of young Jesse thinking "I like free healthcare, abortion rights, high taxes and government services, and Israel, so I need an explanation for why someone who *doesn't* like those first things would like Israel. It must be God!"
You know, I always felt bad that I kept forgetting to register my car on time and that I was such a forgetful person and I feel all guilty. And then I think of all those people who are maybe all Claudia and how much they like diapers and like like you know, I realize I’m fine.
I'm in my fifties now, and it's an age where you've made most of your choices and you have to accept that you are nearer the end of your life than the beginning and that this is how things are going to be, and maybe you think that you could have managed things better and been a better person with a better career and a better life generally. And then you listen to Blocked and Reported and you think, "well at least I haven't spent my time replying to myself on Adult Baby Diaper Lovers forums".
Yep, the time I’ve spent scaring the crap out of myself reading zombie apocalyptia seems almost well spent by comparison… it could happen, you don’t know.
sadly the whole “she’s an obsessive monster high fan who named herself after one of its characters and spent hours chatting with random teens about its plot” subplot had to be cut for space
I'd love it if there were more uncut primo versions released as a matter of course when these decisions are made. I listen in my car and pause and pick up again between errands. Keeps me motivated for as long as it plays.
Is there a technical reason the episodes can only be so long?
Boy do I wish sometimes the eps could be longer! For all of my griping about K & (sometimes) J's flippant & dismissive attitude towards certain topics or subjects they don't know or understand enough about, when they deliver, they absolutely deliver. I was on the edge of my (non-diapered) seat for the entire span of this one. I would love a close & detailed analysis of "Clawdia's" online persona- how it was developed, how it was honed, what she's currently up to, why this sort of behavior proliferates where & how it does. More like this! Good boy, Trace! Stay!
Okay, well, if I ever need a lawyer, I'm clearly going to hire Trace* because I would literally kill myself before every writing a 300-page report for a job.
*I initially wrote "Chase," and now I'm imagine an alternate universe where Chase Strangio pretends to be an ex-Mormon furry who works for Jesse and Katie because Chase is secretly anti-woke.
Full disclosure: most of the pages were just screenshots of posts scattered around the forums, since unlike with most stories where I can link to more concise sources, this story was spread out across random posts in the depths of the NaNoWriMo forums and a screenshot compilation of diaperforum.
The amount of actual writing I did wasn't too far out of line with a standard episode.
That might be true, but the depth and thoroughness of your research shone through the entire episode - I can’t imagine how much time and effort it took to wade through and make sense of this mess. I guess what I’m saying is thank you for your service 🫡.
I’m part of the Tumblr generation, my grade had five kids who were rapid onset ABDL, and had surgeries rendering them permanently incontinent. Then I found r/diapercritical and I’ve been DC ever since. I’m just so glad to finally meet people brave enough to hear my opinions.
They are called that for precisely this reason. It is a pretty awful way to hurt & discredit people who continue to take precautions against the chimeric viral bioweapon n-sars-cov2, which causes a constellation of cardiopulmonary, vascular, systemic, & neurological conditions known as covid19. The name, like the word TERF, is a slur. I find it quite ironic how people who would (rightfully) take umbrage at being smeared with the T-word employ similar phraseology in other areas. It is wrong to lump all people continue ti mask in with these terrorists in Portland. It is also wrong to assume they all have (or claim to have) LC. People with PASC (post-acute covid-sequelae, the actuel name for long covid) are people who have been maimed & disabled (or whose loved ones have been maimed & disabled) with a bioweapon. I truly hope it never happens go anyone here or to anyone they love. Vaccines don't make a difference, not one bit of difference, and in some people they induce long covid via damage from the toxic spike protein.
Trying to clarify because I’m curious. The people who have long COVID, are they claiming that is a result of getting the virus (presumed lab created ) and/or getting sick from the vaccine? It really sucks for all the people who are experiencing that, whatever the real or perceived causes. I’d like to think that there are dedicated scientists who are keeping track of all these adverse reactions and severe cases, but that’s probably naive.
I am saying that long covid is real, caused by both virus and vaccine. My sister developed long covid after her spring 2020 infection. Cardiac arrest 1 month after infection, arterial dissection in her brainstem 2 months after that. Prolonged issues afterward, she still suffers damage 3 years later. Everyone I know PERSONALLY (3 people) who has long covid, my sister being the most severe case I know, got it from their 2020/2021 infections. I have read and heard of many, many people getting a similar syndrome from the mRNA jabs. I was told by a nurse taking care of me at the ER when I had covid (after 3 jabs!) that she saw young people dying suddenly from the vaccine, especially from their booster shots. This terrified me as I had a booster shot 18 days before I got infected with covid (by my dad, who got it from my mom at the facility she was at). I have also read about and heard testimonials from people describing how they developed long covid after multiple reinfections of the virus, both vaxxed and unvaxxed.
The spike protein is toxic to cells no matter how it is delivered, via virus or vax. Some batches of the vaccine seem worse than others, just like some variants of the virus seem worse than others. This whole thing is a nightmare I feel like I can't wake up from. It truly breaks my heart when I see people making light of it or calling people crazy for being afraid of it.
I am not an antivaxxer, btw. I got a flu shot every year before the pandemic because of my Lupus. I even got 3 covid shots. Now I will never take another vaccine ever again unless God himself comes down from heaven to tell me it is safe. Even then, I might have questions.
"I'm not an antivaxxer, I just presume that all vaccines are harmful and refuse to take them!" Sure, Jan.
This whole sob story stretched the outer bounds of believability from the get-go, but at this point we're well past that into the point where I think you're just a generic antivax fabulist. I don't credit a word of it.
I swear to you I am not lying. I wish, I truly wish that what happened to my family wasn't real. It destroyed me totally. It was a nightmare. I got 3 covid shots. I still mask everywhere I go. What happened to my family isn't a "sob story" it is real. My twin sister contracted covid in spring 2020. I will never forget her calling me the first words out of her mouth "I can't taste anything.." Then the rash on her toes, the intense, dementia level brain fog. She kept saying she felt "poisoned." The virus is horrible. Horrible. Then one month into infection May 4th 2020 she collapsed on the stairs. Taken to ER, heart rate 208 , then cardiac arrest. Defibrillator saved her. July 22nd 2020 she suffered an arterial dissection in her brainstem. It was horrible. I was caring for my mother at the time and was exhausted and devastated. I lost friends I loved and trusted who refused to believe the virus wwas real. I agonized over getting the shots bc I was scared but I got my first in May my 2nd June 17th 2021. On December 5th 2021 the morning before I went to the hospital with my Dad to negotiate my mom's hospice care, I got an email from my best friend telling me that I had taken part in "demonic experimentation" by getting vaxed and that "half the country" didn't believe what happened to my sister and that covid was the flu. I swear to you this all happened. I am in therapy twice a week just so I do not end my life over it.
The nurse at the hospital really did tell me that about the boosters when I went for covid induced tachycardia on January 9th 2022. I was terrified.
I have no reason to lie. I am not an anti vaxer I swear. I even got the flu shot in 2021 along with the covid booster in Dec 2021, Dec 17th 2021. But when my mom passed and I had more time to research I started seeing that what that nurse had told me was true. Ppl were dying after the shots and they were dying suddenly after mild covid (had my sister not been in the hospital when she arrested she would have died.)
What happened to me and my family is real. I wish it wasn't. I cry for hours at night every night begging God to make it so it wasn't. But it is. Both covid & Vax harm & kill. Covid is probably worse for you than the Vax but the shots do not stop transmission and sometimes they don't even save people.
If we had type of normal regular covid shots available in Cuba and Iran for covid, I would take them. I am not an antivaxxer!
Cait, from what I've read, the Novavax booster is a similar type of vaccine (protein subunit type) to the Cuban vaccines, and it is available now. I don't know if that is reassuring to you, but I figured I'd mention it just in case.
Thanks for that response, it tracks with much of what I’ve read and heard from other sources. My family is fortunate in that we haven’t had any long term issues from either infection or vaccine (yet, that we know of), but I won’t be getting any more boosters as they seem to be ineffective. It’s frustrating to hear the narrative that everyone who is skeptical about this particular shot is an antivaxxer, or conspiracy theorist or lunatics. I’m just trying to keep myself healthy the old fashioned way, good food, good sleep, sunshine, fresh air, exercise and all that. I’m sorry about your sister. I lost mine years ago to a long illness and it is devastating to watch someone you love suffer. If I knew for sure that her illness was caused by medical malpractice or something, I’d be mad as hell too. I like to think that I could keep my rage contained and channeled into fighting for solutions, but do any of us really know how we’ll respond to the next crisis?
I'm with you. I had three initial shots, but I don't plan on getting any more, and I certainly don't plan on having my children get any more (they had two, over a year ago now). Especially since they only have effectiveness for around 6 weeks after vaccination.
I currently have COVID, and I'm lucky in that it's mostly the most annoying cold ever. Day 8 and tested positive again this morning... so that part's annoying but my symptoms are improving.
It’s a strange thing how different the experience is for people. I had it last year, felt exhausted for about 2 days, then yes, the most annoying cold ever. I’ve felt worse from the flu or food poisoning. I knew I had COVID because I felt exactly the same way after each of my 4 shots. I told my kids they don’t need to get anymore shots, spouse is still considering it even though he’s had COVID twice. I lived in a vague state of fear for two years, I’m done with it. I will still wear a mask if my doctor’s office requires it or I was visiting someone in the hospital, but not for everyday public life. I know a 20+ year out elderly transplant patient (seriously compromised immune system) has had many boosters and has never caught COVID. He goes about living his best retired life without any more masking. He was super paranoid about it in the beginning, with good reason. Life goes on; messy, amazing, and weird as it is.
Trace needs a raise.
Seriously, they got incredibly lucky with Trace.
Agreed. A very good episode from a very good boy. Give him a treat.
On top of doing law school too. Hope that's going ok.
Absolutely. I’ve never put this much effort into anything in my life.
Only a matter of time before he gets a big head and wants to go Solo.
He already has a pretty excellent Substack of his own: Tracing Woodgrains. Check it out ;)
Let me whine once more about how I wish our hosts with the mosts would read their paid subscribers' comments before Reddit or whatever the hell other feedback venues they look at. Not because I want sweet sweet delicious attention, but because frequently we discuss things that get missed or glossed over or insufficiently perverted with nuance. Also because I think of Reddit as actual hell.
Don't we also pay? Surely we, the most devoted of fans, deserve attention.
I just can’t help but see this as a monkey’s paw wish. I’m sure they browse because they’re human but once they start responding to us directly then it starts this chain of suspicion thing where we are performing for their attention and we know they are reading, so we shift to meet their expectation, etc. I might just be a stick in the mud about this, though.
I wouldn't expect them to respond to anyone directly on here but at least to acknowledge occasionally that there was a comment or consensus on here worth addressing in a subsequent episode. Right now it seems like they pay a lot more attention to emails they get or to comments on the subreddit, and I can't believe it's because we are substandard commenters.
Yeah, I don't want them posting in the comments (they have a show to do!) or replying to us, it just seems like whenever they bring up a point from comments it's always from Reddit (shudder) or Discord (shudder extra hard), which makes me think they look way more at those communities than this one
Didn’t they do that with the pit bull episode?
You may be right, but the fact that we can remember one episode out of hundreds where this happened just confirms that we are inferior beings. ;-)
I think they’ve done it before when we’re mad but I have a terrible memory for that stuff.
I nit pick incessantly, but I usually do it in email form. That’s for Trace to deal with.
That is a good point
Your description of Reddit is.....not inaccurate. It depends on the subreddit but the toxicity is a feature, not a bug there.
Reddit is increasingly the only place you can find the answer you were looking for rather than AI generated paid advertising under fifty layers of adds for wrinkle cream and fat pills....
It’s getting to the point where the common Google searches end with “Reddit” because everyone knows that’s where the question will be answered.
I don’t disagree.
Like I said it depends on what subreddit you’re in.
We pay them to produce content, which they do. That’s the exchange in this relationship. They never promised to respond to us more- why should they? I get what I asked for with my donations and when I no longer do, I’ll stop paying...
Reddit is just the Anteroom to Hell.
Hell is Twitter.
I want to be there when someone tells the Portland Long-Covidians that bacteria can make you sick, too.
Seriously - this story was pretty compelling evidence for the “this is a death cult” theory.
The outbreak of URIs in China is probably caused by the bacterium mycoplasma. I want to watch when they find that out because way too many Covidians were hoping for a new dangerous coronavirus or a nasty strain of flu.
Speaking of Covidians, Taylor Lorenz has really been putting in the hours flogging Long Covid on Twitter. Talk about commitment!
But I sense she'd dump LC in a second if some gruesome new flu suddenly appeared
I hope that nobody you love or you yourself never develop long covid. The Monday before Thanksgiving, my sister, who developed long covid after her 2020 infection, was sat watching a film with two friends at home, relaxed & happy, suddenly developed a resting heart rate of 168 BPM. She turned bright red, and her eyes turned blood red and began swelling up. She was in the hospital for a week getting IV steroids, pain meds, blood thinners, anti inflammatories, beta blockers (not IV but liquid suspension) and other meds. She needs a walker in her 30's. The doctors specifically talked about persistent tachycardia in long covid as well as vascular microclots in the eyes.
I hope to God anyone who laughs at "covidians" never has anyone go through the torture and grief and pain that my family has since spring 2020.
I mask with an n95 everywhere I go. I don't ask others to and I simply wish to not be harassed on the street for attempting to protect myself from a bioweapon so I can work & care for my family.
that sounds terrible for you all, i wish you all the best
I’m sympathetic to long covid sufferers and to people who were genuinely injured by the vaccine. Both have or are suffering and have had their plights diluted by charlatans.
I wish your sister well in managing this mysterious condition.
There's a decent chance we'll see a wave of mycoplasma pneumonia this year. I'm very curious to see if the parts of the internet that are still insisting that 10% of Covid cases lead to Long Covid will start going on about Long Mycoplasma or Chronic Mycoplasma.
I hope you and those you love never have to experience long covid. I hope nobody you love ever has a covid induced stroke or clot or dissection or aneurysm or weeks to months after infection. I hope nobody you love calls you in terror 4 months post infection because they have suddenly forgotten where they live. Long covid is real I saw it happen to my sister with my very own eyes.
And if the above happens to you or someone you love, I hope nobody tries to tell you it isn't real.
I know several people who have or have had the delayed recovery type of long covid. I also worked in healthcare during the start of the pandemic so I know full well that the more severe types of long covid are real. I've also seen how people who are vaccinated are so much less likely to develop any type of Long Covid.
That's why I'm so frustrated with social media influencers who exaggerate the chance of developing Long Covid or link it to fake diseases like adrenal fatigue. They make Long Covid look like a mass hysteria that mostly affects affluent women. I also know a couple of fully vaccinated people who have developed anxiety disorders around avoiding SARS-cov2 infections and are now arranging their lives around avoiding the virus. Those online influencers are reinforcing the things that their anxiety disorders tell them.
By "developing their lives by arranging their lives around avoiding the virus" do you mean masking and avoiding crowds? Can you be specific as to what criteria for anxiety disorders as outlined in the DSM they meet per their covid precautions?
I watched the closest person in the world to me suffer a cardiac arrest and arterial dissection in her brainstem from covid infection. I watched her develop long covid. I watched the utter and complete callousness of people I thought loved and cared about us dismiss and deny what happened to her. I cannot afford having what happened to my sister happen to me. Therefore, I mask on buses, trains, and in stores. I avoid indoor restaurants (I'm on EBT so it's not like I can do that anyway). I rinse 2x a daily with cetylpyridine mouthwash which is proven to lower viral loads, and I take supplements that degrade the spike protein (NaC, quercetin, vit C, vit D.) .
I was 3x jabbed with Pfizer when I got covid and I was sick for months. I actually was in the hospital for a bit during a bad bout of tachycardia and a forlorn looking nurse TOLD me she was seeing the boosters kill people and that just as many vaxed as unvaxed were dying. I'll never forget that, I cried so hard in terror and fear that the doctor had to shoot me up with Ativan and they sent that nurse out. I hope she wasn't fired.
I saw what happened to my sister with my very own eyes. It was horrible. Do the friends you know who you accuse of having "anxiety" have lovers ones that went through similar things? Have you asked?
I think LC is a serious phenomenon for some people who caught the OG (and probably second) variant. I’m somewhat more skeptical of the penetration and severity for those who caught milder variants post-vaccination.
Oh damn, I had mycoplasma pneumonia back in August. It was two or three weeks, if I remember right, of walking pneumonia. It mostly consisted of a persistent cough the whole time, no other sever/lingering symptoms, but I'd still rather not catch it again. Hopefully I'm immune for a while!
As an evangelical Christian, I was going to try to clarify the whole Israel/end times thing. Then the episode got to the diaper mod fiasco. I don't even remember what my Israel points were. I actually don't remember anything prior to this episode. I don't even know my name. My mind is blown, confused, and intrigued. I want to know so much more, while also not wanting to know anything more.
Trace, amazing job.
I think your name is Julie.
Not to rehash the topic, but that poll leads to misleading conclusions: Yes, a lot of Evangelicals think some version of “God wants Jewish people to have Israel” to less or greater degrees, but if you think that’s the main reason they’re not pro-Palestinian, I have a Holy Land to sell you. In absolutely no world were normie conservative Christians going to lean towards the side with Hamas and the PLO on it lmao
Agree. And the annoying WashPost--which is totally circling the drain-- would never bother to ask mainstream Christians (Lutherans, Presbyterians Catholics) why *they* support Israel because there's a risk they wont sound crazy.
Instead they intentionally seek out the loons
Ya, as an evangelical Christian, I think I can clarify. I believe that there is prophesy that suggests qthat the temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount before Christ comes back. Is it something I really think about? Nope.
The Bible says that we, individually and corporately, should be the friend of His chosen people. Israel is also by far the closest thing to a successful democracy in the Middle East. Plus, Jews have been oppressed throughout millennia, so I'm naturally sympathetic to their situation; they're often asked to act in ways which no other country is.
In other words, while I think that there's legitimacy to the prophesies in Revelation, I don't really care. I'm not trying to hasten the day Christ comes back; why would I? I think that prophesies, while likely a part of how most Christians view Israel, aren't the predominate factor in how they view Israel and its challenges.
What do you think about the idea that George W. Bush, or members of his government, were influenced by this in their foreign policy?
That's the point at which I get worried - I grew up among conservative Christians in a region where fundamentalism was the norm, and prophecies about Israel didn't come up all that often. But I care less about individual people's belief in the prophecies of Revelations and more in the President's belief.
(Also, have you ever seen the modern anti-Israel Christian conservatives? *Extremely* sketchy crowd that does not need any encouragement, to put it mildly.)
If nothing else I would prefer Israeli governance for visits to the Holy Land.
If our most important religious sites were in Syria or Lebanon instead of Israel I would probably just never visit.
Or, they’d be met with a, in the eternal words of Peter Gabriel, sledgehammer.
I live in a hotbed of Christian Zionism (John Hagee’s hometown) that has been active since the early 2000s, saying we are living in the end-times. They are obsessed with Israel, largely as the fulfillment of biblical prophecy but it then has grown into a kind of infatuation. It is a huge congregation and they have many followers. I consider it a millenarian cult and not connected to mainstream Christianity but embedded within it, though it is a significant force even if localized in certain areas and it is largely in evangelical circles. I’ve taught students who believe this, had my plumber try to talk to me about the endtimes, my aunt brings it up... and I just don’t engage. They think about it all the time, which makes sense if a person actually believes the rapture is about to happen. And, they would probably support Israel anyway, but it is definitely born out of a religious belief in biblical prophecy. In contrast, I know non-religious conservatives, especially libertarians, who are antisemitic and hate Zionism. It is interesting. They have more overlap with my far left friends toward Israel but not on literally anything else. Odd bedfellows.
This is really interesting, thanks for sharing!
Yeah, I was thinking this as well. Evangelicals tend towards conservatism in the US, so support for Israel is the default position of their political group. The question about biblical prophecy also seemed to be pretty vague and was also not at the top of the list of reasons in that poll. While I would expect evangelical Christians are more likely than other groups to believe in the prophecy in revelations, I'm far more suspicious of this idea being disproportionally pushed to discredit support for Israel.
That wasn’t what Jesse was talking about though. One doesn’t need to be pro or anti Palestine to believe silly religious things about Israel. That’s just a different question entirely.
Furthermore, you can support Israel’s right to exist while mourning the deaths of Palestinian civilians without also supporting Hamas. I’d say that’s the overwhelming view in the west and it’s certainly where I land.
It's kind of adorable to think of young Jesse thinking "I like free healthcare, abortion rights, high taxes and government services, and Israel, so I need an explanation for why someone who *doesn't* like those first things would like Israel. It must be God!"
You know, I always felt bad that I kept forgetting to register my car on time and that I was such a forgetful person and I feel all guilty. And then I think of all those people who are maybe all Claudia and how much they like diapers and like like you know, I realize I’m fine.
I'm in my fifties now, and it's an age where you've made most of your choices and you have to accept that you are nearer the end of your life than the beginning and that this is how things are going to be, and maybe you think that you could have managed things better and been a better person with a better career and a better life generally. And then you listen to Blocked and Reported and you think, "well at least I haven't spent my time replying to myself on Adult Baby Diaper Lovers forums".
Replying to myself on adult baby diaper lovers forums is actually my biggest regret at this point. And I voted for dole....
Yep, the time I’ve spent scaring the crap out of myself reading zombie apocalyptia seems almost well spent by comparison… it could happen, you don’t know.
Well... if you like scaring the crap out of yourself, may I recommend .... diapers?
Ha! I probably should have seen that one coming 🤣
I mean, that’s the kind of thing I worry about for myself, these minor things and then you look at this and you think I’m fine
Right, occasionally you get a clear-eyed glimpse into real dysfunction and realize you’re playing in the minor leagues
I just want to say that I respect people who reply to themselves. Truly....
Considering a legal name change right now. Yikes.
If it’s any comfort the mod prefers to spell hers “Clawdia”
This is important context that should have been mentioned in the episode.
sadly the whole “she’s an obsessive monster high fan who named herself after one of its characters and spent hours chatting with random teens about its plot” subplot had to be cut for space
I'd love it if there were more uncut primo versions released as a matter of course when these decisions are made. I listen in my car and pause and pick up again between errands. Keeps me motivated for as long as it plays.
Is there a technical reason the episodes can only be so long?
Boy do I wish sometimes the eps could be longer! For all of my griping about K & (sometimes) J's flippant & dismissive attitude towards certain topics or subjects they don't know or understand enough about, when they deliver, they absolutely deliver. I was on the edge of my (non-diapered) seat for the entire span of this one. I would love a close & detailed analysis of "Clawdia's" online persona- how it was developed, how it was honed, what she's currently up to, why this sort of behavior proliferates where & how it does. More like this! Good boy, Trace! Stay!
...my god in heaven
Also missed opportunity to name this episode “I, Clawdia”.
Classics nerd? ;)
Just a nerd
Trace, it absolutely is a comfort because that's an egregious spelling choice. ha.
Truly a tragedeigh
Okay, well, if I ever need a lawyer, I'm clearly going to hire Trace* because I would literally kill myself before every writing a 300-page report for a job.
*I initially wrote "Chase," and now I'm imagine an alternate universe where Chase Strangio pretends to be an ex-Mormon furry who works for Jesse and Katie because Chase is secretly anti-woke.
Full disclosure: most of the pages were just screenshots of posts scattered around the forums, since unlike with most stories where I can link to more concise sources, this story was spread out across random posts in the depths of the NaNoWriMo forums and a screenshot compilation of diaperforum.
The amount of actual writing I did wasn't too far out of line with a standard episode.
That might be true, but the depth and thoroughness of your research shone through the entire episode - I can’t imagine how much time and effort it took to wade through and make sense of this mess. I guess what I’m saying is thank you for your service 🫡.
Yep. I pity whoever is on the other side once Trace is a lawyer if they don't do their homework. Amazing research skills!!!!
Just make sure you keep law school on your front burner!
Thank god you're in law school. Someone needs to get Jesse off HIPAA probation and expunge his record. Nice research as well.
Yeah, but Katie can't even be bothered to look up how to pronounce "Qatar."
I’m part of the Tumblr generation, my grade had five kids who were rapid onset ABDL, and had surgeries rendering them permanently incontinent. Then I found r/diapercritical and I’ve been DC ever since. I’m just so glad to finally meet people brave enough to hear my opinions.
It's a joke now but I wouldn't rule out somewhere people try to do that.
I just think it's important to block potty-training until there's time to make a decision. It's completely reversible, give or take the bullying!
Let me guess, you're an ABDLERF?
Diapers? Oh we’re so back
Diaper drama?! This is what I live for
*Long Covidians makes me think of Branch Davidians
They are called that for precisely this reason. It is a pretty awful way to hurt & discredit people who continue to take precautions against the chimeric viral bioweapon n-sars-cov2, which causes a constellation of cardiopulmonary, vascular, systemic, & neurological conditions known as covid19. The name, like the word TERF, is a slur. I find it quite ironic how people who would (rightfully) take umbrage at being smeared with the T-word employ similar phraseology in other areas. It is wrong to lump all people continue ti mask in with these terrorists in Portland. It is also wrong to assume they all have (or claim to have) LC. People with PASC (post-acute covid-sequelae, the actuel name for long covid) are people who have been maimed & disabled (or whose loved ones have been maimed & disabled) with a bioweapon. I truly hope it never happens go anyone here or to anyone they love. Vaccines don't make a difference, not one bit of difference, and in some people they induce long covid via damage from the toxic spike protein.
Trying to clarify because I’m curious. The people who have long COVID, are they claiming that is a result of getting the virus (presumed lab created ) and/or getting sick from the vaccine? It really sucks for all the people who are experiencing that, whatever the real or perceived causes. I’d like to think that there are dedicated scientists who are keeping track of all these adverse reactions and severe cases, but that’s probably naive.
I am saying that long covid is real, caused by both virus and vaccine. My sister developed long covid after her spring 2020 infection. Cardiac arrest 1 month after infection, arterial dissection in her brainstem 2 months after that. Prolonged issues afterward, she still suffers damage 3 years later. Everyone I know PERSONALLY (3 people) who has long covid, my sister being the most severe case I know, got it from their 2020/2021 infections. I have read and heard of many, many people getting a similar syndrome from the mRNA jabs. I was told by a nurse taking care of me at the ER when I had covid (after 3 jabs!) that she saw young people dying suddenly from the vaccine, especially from their booster shots. This terrified me as I had a booster shot 18 days before I got infected with covid (by my dad, who got it from my mom at the facility she was at). I have also read about and heard testimonials from people describing how they developed long covid after multiple reinfections of the virus, both vaxxed and unvaxxed.
The spike protein is toxic to cells no matter how it is delivered, via virus or vax. Some batches of the vaccine seem worse than others, just like some variants of the virus seem worse than others. This whole thing is a nightmare I feel like I can't wake up from. It truly breaks my heart when I see people making light of it or calling people crazy for being afraid of it.
I am not an antivaxxer, btw. I got a flu shot every year before the pandemic because of my Lupus. I even got 3 covid shots. Now I will never take another vaccine ever again unless God himself comes down from heaven to tell me it is safe. Even then, I might have questions.
"I'm not an antivaxxer, I just presume that all vaccines are harmful and refuse to take them!" Sure, Jan.
This whole sob story stretched the outer bounds of believability from the get-go, but at this point we're well past that into the point where I think you're just a generic antivax fabulist. I don't credit a word of it.
I swear to you I am not lying. I wish, I truly wish that what happened to my family wasn't real. It destroyed me totally. It was a nightmare. I got 3 covid shots. I still mask everywhere I go. What happened to my family isn't a "sob story" it is real. My twin sister contracted covid in spring 2020. I will never forget her calling me the first words out of her mouth "I can't taste anything.." Then the rash on her toes, the intense, dementia level brain fog. She kept saying she felt "poisoned." The virus is horrible. Horrible. Then one month into infection May 4th 2020 she collapsed on the stairs. Taken to ER, heart rate 208 , then cardiac arrest. Defibrillator saved her. July 22nd 2020 she suffered an arterial dissection in her brainstem. It was horrible. I was caring for my mother at the time and was exhausted and devastated. I lost friends I loved and trusted who refused to believe the virus wwas real. I agonized over getting the shots bc I was scared but I got my first in May my 2nd June 17th 2021. On December 5th 2021 the morning before I went to the hospital with my Dad to negotiate my mom's hospice care, I got an email from my best friend telling me that I had taken part in "demonic experimentation" by getting vaxed and that "half the country" didn't believe what happened to my sister and that covid was the flu. I swear to you this all happened. I am in therapy twice a week just so I do not end my life over it.
The nurse at the hospital really did tell me that about the boosters when I went for covid induced tachycardia on January 9th 2022. I was terrified.
I have no reason to lie. I am not an anti vaxer I swear. I even got the flu shot in 2021 along with the covid booster in Dec 2021, Dec 17th 2021. But when my mom passed and I had more time to research I started seeing that what that nurse had told me was true. Ppl were dying after the shots and they were dying suddenly after mild covid (had my sister not been in the hospital when she arrested she would have died.)
What happened to me and my family is real. I wish it wasn't. I cry for hours at night every night begging God to make it so it wasn't. But it is. Both covid & Vax harm & kill. Covid is probably worse for you than the Vax but the shots do not stop transmission and sometimes they don't even save people.
If we had type of normal regular covid shots available in Cuba and Iran for covid, I would take them. I am not an antivaxxer!
Cait, from what I've read, the Novavax booster is a similar type of vaccine (protein subunit type) to the Cuban vaccines, and it is available now. I don't know if that is reassuring to you, but I figured I'd mention it just in case.
Thanks for that response, it tracks with much of what I’ve read and heard from other sources. My family is fortunate in that we haven’t had any long term issues from either infection or vaccine (yet, that we know of), but I won’t be getting any more boosters as they seem to be ineffective. It’s frustrating to hear the narrative that everyone who is skeptical about this particular shot is an antivaxxer, or conspiracy theorist or lunatics. I’m just trying to keep myself healthy the old fashioned way, good food, good sleep, sunshine, fresh air, exercise and all that. I’m sorry about your sister. I lost mine years ago to a long illness and it is devastating to watch someone you love suffer. If I knew for sure that her illness was caused by medical malpractice or something, I’d be mad as hell too. I like to think that I could keep my rage contained and channeled into fighting for solutions, but do any of us really know how we’ll respond to the next crisis?
I'm with you. I had three initial shots, but I don't plan on getting any more, and I certainly don't plan on having my children get any more (they had two, over a year ago now). Especially since they only have effectiveness for around 6 weeks after vaccination.
I currently have COVID, and I'm lucky in that it's mostly the most annoying cold ever. Day 8 and tested positive again this morning... so that part's annoying but my symptoms are improving.
It’s a strange thing how different the experience is for people. I had it last year, felt exhausted for about 2 days, then yes, the most annoying cold ever. I’ve felt worse from the flu or food poisoning. I knew I had COVID because I felt exactly the same way after each of my 4 shots. I told my kids they don’t need to get anymore shots, spouse is still considering it even though he’s had COVID twice. I lived in a vague state of fear for two years, I’m done with it. I will still wear a mask if my doctor’s office requires it or I was visiting someone in the hospital, but not for everyday public life. I know a 20+ year out elderly transplant patient (seriously compromised immune system) has had many boosters and has never caught COVID. He goes about living his best retired life without any more masking. He was super paranoid about it in the beginning, with good reason. Life goes on; messy, amazing, and weird as it is.