Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

I love you guys… but I think your Joe Rogan discussion is missing the point - he’s not a journalist, nor does he purport to be. He’s not reporting the news. He’s an excellent conversationalist who talks to people. He literally has people on to discuss a 3 hour range of views, topics, current events, and sometimes straight up random shit. Jamie is not a fact checker, nor should he be. Can you imagine Rogan sitting across the table with Musk, whiskey in one hand and blunt in the other, and the fact checker?! Who listens to Joe Rogan for news or facts? That’s like saying you watch fear factor to learn life skills? Come on! People listen to hear unedited takes from interesting people from a range of backgrounds. It’s so amazing that at a time when actual facts are very few from sources that are supposed to be held factually accountable, society instead tries to take down a comedian for hosting entertaining conversations with people of all backgrounds and walks of life! This is insanity! It has to stop!

The alternative is a world full of self-censorship, a public sphere devoid of novel ideas and/or original thought where the only tolerated speech is from moronic self obsessed social media influencers with very little to add by way of knowledge or facts.

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The incessant and widespread coverage of Joe Rogan reminds me of the incessant and widespread coverage of fake news/Russian misinformation on Facebook in the mid 2010s. Oh and Facebook stole a bunch of the media's audience then and Rogan is stealing a bunch of their audience now. It's almost like...they're trying to drag the competition's name in the dirt to reclaim ad revenue?

Nah, the mainstream media could never be that cynical and dishonest.

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Just here to say I’m 100% in favor of whatever it takes to yeet Joni Mitchell’s whole-ass catalogue of shrieking atonal art school folk schlock from existence. If Joe Rogan is the man who accidentally helps launch that revolution, he has my support, my money, my vote, my platform, and my eternal gratitude.

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Super interesting interview. I’m really conflicted on his take about the prevalence of cancellations esp. when it comes to gender ideology. I often wonder if I’m living in an extreme bubble, and maybe the prevalence of cancellations of gender critical people is quite small. I ask myself over and over—is it really a non-issue? And then I look at the actual laws that have been enacted replacing sex rights with gender rights, and the fact that almost no one on the left or center-left is critical of it except for the few I hear of … who get cancelled! Sachs seems intelligent and reasonable, but am I crazy think that in this one instance he’s wrong? And if he is wrong, why is he wrong? And if he’s not wrong why aren’t people having an open and lively, factual, intellectual discourse about gender ideology?

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Can’t there be a place where people talk about shit with sometimes interesting people. Why does it have to be fact checked? I think the mainstream has missed out on the appeal of podcasts, people are more isolated than ever and more lonely than ever. That podcasts fill a void that people aren’t having in their life. It doesn’t matter how right the conversation is, I just want to feel like the conversation is something I would have had with my friends or colleagues.

That said sometimes you hear something so stupid on a podcast it kills the podcast for you like ‘Shiv is the most moral character on Succession’ or ‘D-Day was the most important battle of World War II’.

I would love to see an actual study on the vaccination status of Rogan listeners. My guess is it would largely be the same as the rate for the entire US.

The only thing Rogan has convinced his audience of, is that DMT is a good idea.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

When I worked as registered nurse in critical care, we had three different CPR protocols, because our 7 different intensive care specialists couldn't agree how to best perform CPR. Medical specialists disagree with each other constantly within their own fields of expertise. When I worked as a community mental health nurse one of our three psychiatrists refused to assess people for attention deficit disorder because she didn't believe it really existed. Pierre Kory, Tess Lawrie, Robert Malone and Peter McCullouch are all expert's in their fields. Medical experts who have a different view on the rapidly evolving science from seeming consensus that is being enforced by Antony Fauci and the main stream media does not constitute medical misinformation, it is valid scientific debate among experts. Your framing this as misinformation is ignorant and wrong.

In terms of mass formation psychosis/hypnosis, it is a well established theory of social psychology developed by German Jewish psychologists in the 1950's attempting to understand the hollocost. As well as applying seamlessly to the behavior of Germans during the 1930's, it has and can be applied to American's after Sept 11, and DNC supporters (re the Russia gate nonsense after Trump was elected), and yes, to the crazy pro vaccine triple masked people right now. It's not a fringe theory, and its not being misapplied in my opinion as a nurse and psychotherapist with 30 years experience.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

You seem to play pretty fast and loose with the idea of what mass psychosis would entail. That’s interesting because I wonder if you would also apply it to Trump supporters who think the election was stolen and QAnon supporters. I think there’s a lot of propaganda right now but none of this rises to the point of psychosis except for probably QAnon because that shit is crazy.

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I think that if you listen to some of Dr Mattais Desmet (who has been teaching this for many years, and seems to be the go to expert on it) he makes a very compelling case for 1930's Germany, for America after Sept 11, and for the rabidly pro vax pro mask crazies these day's. Max Blumenthal did an excellent long form interview with him on Rokfin. I would encourage you to listen to and engage with that. One of the things that seems obviously different to me between my three examples and trump supporters and Qannon, is that people under the impact of mass formation psychosis become very dangerous to the groups of people who they target as their made up enemy. In 1930's Germany this criteria was obviously met in the extermination of Jews, Gypsey's, people with mental health problems and disabilities. The madness after Sept 11 lead to the invasion and destruction of multiple countries, illegal torture programe and the roll back of human rights all around the world. The pro vax crazies/mandates etc have caused the loss of peoples livelihoods, and some very alarming rhetoric (for example, Noam Chomskey has advocated putting people who refuse to be vaccinated in camps and not fed them). So the place where QAnon and Trump supporters who think the election is stolen (and probably the Russia gate dupes) would seem to fail the test is that they don't seem to have caused any real harm to anyone. But I would suggest you listen to Max's interview with Dr Desmet https://www.rokfin.com/stream/9705/Foreign-Agents-10--Covid-and-Mass-Hypnosis-wDr-Mattias-Desmet

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

I think that you very much are underestimating the negative effects of Qanon supporters and Trump supporters. I mean there were people who made threats of violence against a pizza place in DC just because of a weird conspiracy theory about us sex dungeon in non-existent basement. I was in Detroit during the election in the counting of the ballots and boy did Trump supporters harass the shit out of everyone down there even before it was called because of this conspiracy theory from Donald Trump. It was violent and they were trying to throw out all the votes in Michigan which does cause harm to those of us who live here and could be deprived are legitimate rights. I won’t even go on about all the armed protest and threats against the governor of Michigan that are pretty friggin scary. Now you can freely believe that only people on the left are a problem but like I think you might be also overly biased.

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I don't live in America, so I don't have any direct experience on the Qannon nonsense or the full effects of the Russia gate nonsense, so you could well be right, though I suspect that the harm may not be systemic enough to qualify. 6 million people were killed in the hollocost. Millions of people were displaced and several countries were destroyed in the post Sept 11 madness. Millions of people have lost their livelihoods, and people have effectively lost their right to bodily autonomy. This is harm on a massive scale, supported by the majority of the population. Qanon may be crazy, but I'm not sure (from a distance) what they have done that has constituted that kind of harm. I would also dispute that the DNC, silicon valley, or the mainstream media are "the left", I would tend to describe them as neoliberal corporatists, as to be left wing is to support the redistribution of wealth (from the rich to the poor), while the DNC and RNC are both united in their efforts to redistribute wealth in the opposite direction. But listen to some of Dr Desmet's interviews and make up your own mind, he's the expert on this, not me.

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If Gretchen Whitmore is the Governor of Michigan then I don't think that the plot against her can be put down to mass formation hypnosis/psychosis as the majority of the conspirators were working for your government, as has been widely reported.

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This is very interesting! Thanks!

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His point about only focusing on elite schools was very relevant. I teach at a big school in the Midwest and there are so many problems that no one cares about. It’s a very important point.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

I would say that I am disappointed that these musicians never protested the fact that Spotify pays musicians kind of horribly and hurts young and upcoming musicians especially. The second thing is that I think Joe Rogan does say a lot of bullshit. I think he really does have a problem with weird conspiracy theories and spreading misinformation.

But this feels like a big Streisand effect thing and now everyone’s talking about Rogan and nobody’s convinced of anything on either side so I just don’t understand the point of all these artists pulling their songs off of Spotify. It’s not accomplishing anything that anybody wants to accomplish.

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Don't forget, Amazon and the White House are definitely the good guys.

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It's amazing that, in the midst of all this CRT discourse, this was the FIRST time I heard someone speak about this issue that actually understand the extent to which it is in public education. I work for the NYC DOE and when Sachs says there are a lot of PD's but little of this filters through, he's exactly correct! NO ADMINISTRATOR, even in the most plush Park Slope Woke-Adjacent school, would ever advocate that students should not "arrive on time" or "strive for objectivity." None. Heck, I teach primarily black and brown students, attendance is a major issue and the answer is never "well, they are resisting white supremacy."

For that alone, I think this is the best episode I have heard on this specific subject.

Also, I am of like mind on the Rogan thing but it seems as if Spotify is continuing to delete episodes they do not like which seems to be a much bigger issue.

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One of the points brought up that is the strongest against the cancellation of Rogan on disinformation grounds is the fact that rogan admits that he's a dumbass and doesn't know anything.

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Rogan should be cancelled. I don't care about the misinformation or whatever, I just think he's interviewed everyone out there worth interviewing.

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