Excited to listen to this. This is a borderline self-doxx so I’ll probably delete, but BJC/WashU is both my provider and the employer/educator of 80% of the people I know. It’s the most shameless display of champagne socialism and elite issue silos, both relating to this and generally.

In the past three-four years, the WUMC curriculum was completely overhauled to center health equity & justice. STL is 50% Black and I know of zero WUMC students who are African-American from Missouri or otherwise - all Black students I know are first/second generation kids with doctor parents of African descent.

Students are obviously from upper middle class through upper class backgrounds, I know of four-five genuinely middle class students. It amuses me so deeply to see their discourse regarding opioids and the discussion around the gender clinic when no one, no one here has meaningfully interacted with what homelessness and addiction look like in STL.

When we’ve discussed the gender clinic, they’ve often fallen back on privacy arguments - that Jamie Reed, even if correct in her perceptions, failed to protect patient privacy. But they also acknowledge that she effectively had no protected reporting mechanism as a staff member who was both client-facing and administrative.

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I think I’ve heard enough about furries to last me a lifetime now. Can we have a long break until the next one?

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What? Katie missed a perfect opportunity to say "fursona non grata"?

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I’ve made multiple comments about this topic years ago. The whole punch a nazi thing is all well and good up until it’s ok to accuse your neighbor of being a nazi for having eaten a frankfurter on a Thursday. Encouraging political violence is a very dangerous game mixed with the level of extreme political polarization being pushed by the media these days.

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Jesse did you consider turning the modem off waiting ten seconds and turning it on again?

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A fine birthday present for this gentleman 😁 two thoughts:

1. The trans activists were insane before there was any talk of legislation, they want to control reality and are finally getting actual pushback

2. Good lord imagine getting the sweat and sand and... uh... other stuff out of those suits. Good reminder to not bring a UV flashlight to the beach, you never know when you'll suddenly be swarmed by Furmeat

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Dudes, pre-record a housekeeping segment & play that in between segments & add a live addendum as needed. Your talking about your tiredness makes us so tired, y’all.

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My unsolicited opinion about the New College of Florida stuff is that I'm personally not interested enough about it to listen to multiple episodes or segments about it. I skipped last week's episode because of that. This is K & J's show and it's their right to make the content they want, it just doesn't intrigue me as much as it seems to intrigue them.

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

"These dudes are the type of people who have a panic attack if they see a fluorescent light" 💀

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As I've noted before, I really appreciate the Times giving some creedence to Jamie Reed's statements and to the idea of substandard youth gender medical care in general. However part of the framing of the article was "there was such an uptick in caseloads that they couldn't keep up", implying that that was the main reason for a lack of thorough assessment and a rush to medicalization. Given the ideological state of most clinics and professional organizations at the moment, I would think it more likely comes from the "affirming" model.

Also, discussions of problems with such care often get (understandably) sidetracked by examples of clearly undesirable side effects, such as liver damage (which apparently was a weak point in Reed's affidavit) or bone density issues (e.g. in Scandinavia). The bigger question about whether these kids should be on hormones or mutilating their bodies gets a little lost sometimes.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Is it just me, or are the far left-identitarians who want to punch Nazis and the far right anti (or are they?)-identitarians who want to hunt child traffickers looking for the same thing? Somewhere between a moral crusade and an imaginary guy to be mad at, to give their lives meaning or maybe just spice things up?

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*Fursona Non Grata

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*Willem Dafoe in Boondocks Saints impression*


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“That’s quite violent, even by the standards of furries.”

Perfect delivery, no notes.

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If the doctors had informed the patients there would’ve been no reason for Reid to do so herself. That bit if the piece makes no sense since it seems to confirm what she said.

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Hi! Good morning. That’s all.

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